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Doctorate in International Law

Elevate your expertise in legal matters on the international stage with our Doctorate in International Law. Immerse yourself in the intricacies of global legal frameworks, human rights, and diplomatic protocols, preparing you for a distinguished career at the intersection of law and international relations.

About the Study Program:

Duration: The program spans 3 academic years*.
Previous study: Master's degree or equivalent OR 7 years of Management Experience + a Bachelor's degree or equivalent.
English proficiency: IELTS or equivalent (mandatory for non-English speaking countries or those without prior education in English).
Age requirement: Applicants must be 24 years or older.
Note: If you have any uncertainties regarding your eligibility for this program, please feel free to contact us.

Study Fee: Please refer to our fee structure link.

Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Please refer to our Accreditation link.

Academic Information:
Aligned with the European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process (EHEA) Standards & guidelines for quality assurance.
EQF: This program holds an equivalence to EQF Level 8 (doctoral level).
ECTS: The program is structured with 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System credits.

*According to, "the duration of the doctorate is not standard: usually, it is between 2 and 7 years, depending on the research field, the school, and the employment (part-time/full-time)."

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Swiss Institute for Diplomacy and Political Sciences Studies in Zurich

الجامعة الدولية السويسرية في لوتزرن منذ عام 1999

Part of the

Swiss International University

SIU in Bishkek • Zurich • Dubai • London • Luzern • Riga • Worldwide •

Part of the Swiss International University SIU which is Licensed and accredited by the KG Ministry of Education and Science, allowed by the Board of Education and Culture in Switzerland, and Approved and permitted by the KHDA Dubai Educational Authority
جزء من الجامعة السويسرية الدولية، المرخصة والمعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم والعلوم في قرغيزستان، والمسموح لها بالعمل من قبل مجلس التعليم والثقافة في سويسرا، والمرخصة والمصرح لها من قبل هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية في دبي
Teil der Swiss International University, die von dem Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsministerium der Kirgisischen Republik lizenziert und akkreditiert ist, vom Bildungs- und Kulturrat der Schweiz zugelassen und von der Bildungsbehörde KHDA in Dubai genehmigt und erlaubt wurde.
Часть Швейцарского Международного Университета, который лицензирован и аккредитован Министерством образования и науки Кыргызской Республики, разрешен Советом по образованию и культуре Швейцарии и одобрен Образовательным управлением KHDA в Дубае.

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